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Very Ape - Nirvana

Dodał -a: szarpidrutka,
Pochodzi z:
Data publikacji: 2005-09-13 00:10
Moja nauka

Ups, problem :-/
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  Rhy fig 1
    G5 A5           G5 Bb5          G5 A5           G5 Bb5

  Rhy fig  1a
    G5 A5           G5 Bb5          G5 A5             G5 Bb5

  The difference between Rhy fig 1 & Rhy fig 1a is that in Rhy fig 1a
  in the 3rd A5 you also play the lower strings, or in other words you play
  an A (577655) instead of an A5 power chord.

   In the intro you play Rhy fig 1 or 1a several times, (alternate between
   them, listen to the record so you can know when to play each one) about
   four, then continue playing it while a second guitar enters playing this:

                                       Fill A

  Verse.-   w/rhy figs 1 and 1a, and fill A
  I'm buried up to my neck in
  contradictionary flies
  I take pride as the king of literature

  Fig 2
 |                                                                          |

  play this instead of fill A, w/verse

  Fill b




 Play  figures 1 and fill a  ?times then play this.-

  rhy fig 3                               play a semi-harmonic
 |                                                                          |

    It ends with this.-

 |               |

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