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Aces High - Children Of Bodom

Dodał -a: feolin,
Pochodzi z:
Data publikacji: 2008-06-23 17:53
Moja nauka

Ups, problem :-/
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riff 1 - intro (x15) (both guitars)

last time (16th time)

riff 2 (x4)(both guitars)

riff 3a - verse riff#1 (both guitars) (x2)
There goes the   si-ren that  warns of the  air raid

There comes the  sound of the  guns sending flak

Verse riff 3b - Verse riff #2(both guitars):
Jump   in  the   cockpit and  start up the  en gines. Re-

  move all the   whe blo ther   no time to   waste

riff 4 - pre chorus riff
   Running             scrambling


   Rolling             turning

   diving              going in again

riff 5 - chorus riff
   Run          live to...
|------------|--------------|          fly to...
|------------|--------------|         do or...

...die          won´t you.

   Run          live to...
|------------|--------------|          fly to...
|------------|--------------|         Aces...


riff 6 (x2)




 Guitar during the keyboard solo










then the outro,


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